Member Companies

Who we are


The Direct Selling Association of South Africa (DSA) is a national business association founded in 1972 representing member direct selling companies that distribute goods and services through independent contractors (also referred to as direct sellers, distributors, consultants, managers, sales agents, and independent business operators, among others) directly to individuals, away from a fixed retail location.

Direct Selling companies provide an entrepreneurial opportunity where individuals can earn an income through a professional distribution channel while supported strongly by their direct selling companies.

The term “direct selling” encompasses direct selling, multi-level marketing (MLM) (also referred to as network marketing) and referral marketing.

Every DSA member company pledges to abide by the terms as set out in the industry Code of Conduct as a condition of admission and continuing membership of the Direct Selling Association of South Africa.

All direct sellers (independent contractors) are bound by the DSA’s Code when representing a DSA member company.

The Code has been developed within the framework and requirements of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) Code of Conduct.

The DSA provides a forum for Members to network with industry colleagues and provides many benefits.